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March 1 2024

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Centre of Indigenous and Community-Led Engagement

We acknowledge and respect the lək̓ʷəŋən peoples on whose traditional territory the university stands and the Songhees, Esquimalt and W̱SÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.

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Circle NEWS

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Welcome to our new Research and Operations Manager,

Jill Isnardy-Jewer!

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Greetings! My name is Jill Isnardy-Jewer and I have recently started as the Research and Operations Manager for CIRCLE. My family is from the ESk'etemc First Nation in the Central Interior of BC (Alkali Lake). I'm very happy to be joining CIRCLE and look forward to meeting many of you through the programming and event offered at the Centre. Please feel welcome to reach out and contact me at

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Report - Greenwashing the Ring of Fire: Indigenous Jurisdiction and Gaps in the EV Battery Supply Chain

The Infrastructure Beyond Extractivism team has just released a new report by Saima Desai and Isaac Thornly called “Greenwashing the Ring of Fire: Indigenous Jurisdiction and Gaps in the EV Battery Supply Chain".

The Ontario and federal governments are promising to build a "fully-integrated domestic electric vehicle battery supply chain," which starts with securing jurisdiction to mine Ontario's Ring of Fire, and ends with turning minerals into EV batteries in gigafactories (financed by massive subsidies) in southern Ontario.

The report argues that there's an important gap in this chain: the lack of recognition of Indigenous jurisdiction over development in the Ring of Fire.

The report also also takes a critical look at Australian mining company Wyloo's environmental claims about the nickel mine they hope to build to open up the Ring of Fire to further development. The mining company says it will be "net-zero" mine with a "small surface footprint" – and the report finds that these claims are greenwashing.

You can find the full report on the IBE site, and a summary of the report here.

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UVic Indigenous graduate students Event!

CIRCLE (Centre for Indigenous Research and Community-Led Engagement) extends a warm invitation to join us at Saunders Annex 130 for food and dialogue on March 11th (10am to noon) for the first in a series of engagement and consultation sessions to envision our future together. We are eager to hear your priorities, needs, and ideas for better supporting your research as Indigenous graduate students. What does the future of Indigenous research and community engagement at UVic look like from your perspective?

We hope you will join us at CIRCLE for this first in-person consultation, facilitated by Sanala Planning. There will also be door prizes available! If you are unable to make this gathering, keep an eye out for the link to register for our upcoming online consultations, and other ways to engage in this visioning process. The online sessions, which will be open to Indigenous graduate students and faculty members, will be held on March 14th and 25th.

Please RSVP by Wednesday, March 6th so that we can order breakfast for everyone:

As Indigenous graduate students, we know how busy this time of the term is for you. We appreciate you considering this invitation and hope to see you there.

HÍSW̱ḴE, Miigwech, Ay-hay, Gilakas’la,

Heidi Stark, Onowa McIvor and Sarah Hunt / Tłaliłila'ogwa

CIRCLE Director and Interim Associate Directors

CIRCLE Writing Cafes are back!

A supportive, shared, drop-in space for faculty & graduate students whose research addresses Indigenous peoples and topics to come together and get work done on individual writing projects.

  • Every Friday:
    • 9am - 12pm
    • Saunders Annex 130 or Zoom

  • Coffee, Tea, and snacks will be available.
  • Registration required to receive the Zoom link: Register here.


The Indigenous Research Workshop is committed to building a network of faculty members and graduate students across disciplines whose research, writing, and teaching address Indigenous people’s and topics.

The group typically meets every few weeks to engage works-in-progress. The first meeting each semester sets the schedule for that term.

  • Saunders Annex 130 and Zoom
  • Please email if you are interested in attending
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On Campus and in the Community

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New version of FirstVoices announced on International Mother Language Day!

FirstVoices celebrates its 20th anniversary on international Mother Language Day with the announcement of a new site design and added features! provides an online space for B.C. First Nations to share and promote their language, oral history and linguistic history. Importantly, members retain ownership of content created by them for use on their community site. The goal of is to help Indigenous languages succeed with state-of-the-art hardware, software, and technical support for their communities.

To read about these new features, read their website here!

For the YouTube video, click here.

SAGE BC Project is Calling all past and present Indigenous Masters/Doctoral Students

Are you a current or past Indigenous graduate student (Masters/Doctoral) who:

  • is/was actively engaged in SAGE in BC? Yes!
  • is/was not actively engaged with SAGE in BC but familiar with the program? Yes!

Dr. Margret Kovach, Dr. Monty Montgomery, and Dr. Shawn Wilson are inviting YOU to participate in a brief confidential survey about your experiences with SAGE BC. Yup. It is that easy. Upon completing the survey, you will also have the option of signing-up for an in-person or virtual focus group as well.

To gain access to their survey, please email their team at

And for more information about the study, please feel free to read through this attached information sheet, and this consent form.

Your participation is voluntary, and your insights will be invaluable!

They look forward to hearing from you!

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SNTC Gathering

In early February, the Indigenous Law Research Unit (ILRU) attended the Secwépemc Winter Gathering in Splatsín to present ILRU’s latest collaborative project back to community and honour the knowledge sharers who contributed to the research. The Secwépemc Laws of K̓wséltkten and Secwépemc-kt Project (Secwépemc laws of belonging) was the second project ILRU has done in partnership with the Shuswap Nation Tribal Council and the Secwépemc Sna7a Elders Council. This collaborative research is about supporting internal governance, standing up citizenship laws from the point of view of Secwépemc law, and pushing back on colonial concepts of membership or citizenship. The Report, Casebook and Glossary for the project represent years of engagement with knowledge sharers, narratives, Secwépemctsín (language), and embedded learning at cultural gatherings. Hundreds of community members in attendance signed up for copies of the materials and witnessed public honouring ceremony and launch of the materials.

You can find background on the project and the publicly-available resources on ILRU’s website:

They would like to extend their gratitude to all who shared their knowledge and contributed to this project, including knowledge sharers, language teachers, community members, and their community partners. This would not have been possible with out the support of the Shuswap Nation Tribal Council, Swift Foundation, McConnell Foundation, Law Foundation of British Columbia, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, and Real Estate Foundation of BC.

Indigenous Graduate Student Symposium 2024 - Call for submissions and attendance

  • Gathering: Friday March 22 2024
  • Submission deadline: February 16 2024
  • Abstract submissions only need to be a paragraph in length
  • Please submit directly to Jody Bauche at
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New PSC in Intellectual and Cultural Property Law

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  • The Division of Continuing Studies, in partnership with the UVic Faculty of Law, is excited to announce the launch of a groundbreaking Professional Specialization Certificate (PSC) in Intellectual and Cultural Property Law. They believe that this unique professional development opportunity may be of interest to faculty, staff and alumni engaged in Indigenous-focused research.
  • This non-credit program, designed for legal professionals, delves into federal and provincial intellectual property laws, Indigenous intellectual property laws, customs, traditions, and the analysis of cultural property and heritage on both national and international scales. Comprising courses already offered for credit to the Faculty of Law’s JD and JD/JID students, this non-credit PSC offers a pathway for professional learners to gain a comprehensive understanding of intellectual property rights, laws, and policies in Canada and globally.
  • Scheduled as a 6-week summer intensive on the University of Victoria campus, the program will run from May 8 to June 14, 2024, providing a unique opportunity for participants to network and enhance their expertise. Additionally, courses can be accessed individually, providing flexibility to delve into specific areas of interest.
  • They are actively pursuing approval for accreditation of the program for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours from the Law Society of BC. Further details on this are forthcoming on their website, so please stay tuned for updates
  • For more information please click here

Join the Solving-FCB Research team!

Solving the Sustainability Challenges at the Food-Climate-Biodiversity Nexus or Solving-FCB, is an international 6-year partnership between researchers and local communities across the globe with the goal of supporting sustainable solutions towards food security, conservation and climate change adaptation within the complex social and ecological contexts of today’s societies.

They are currently recruiting Indigenous students who would be interested in taking on any number of the elements of this project for their PhD, Master’s, or Honours work (they have projects which could be done at different scales of depth).

  • Tla’amin Nation’s questions require social science and Indigenous-informed research methods and will be a deep dive into a cross-cutting project that connects food security, climate change, and community well-being.
  • As per the poster attached, if Indigenous students who are attending or applying to UVic might be interested in taking on this project, please get in touch with Brian Thom (Anthropology) at or Nicole Meier at Tla’amin Nation ( so more information can be provided. They especially encourage Tla’amin Citizens to get in touch!
  • The deadline for receiving an expression of interest has been extended to March 31st.
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Job & Award


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UVic Job Opportunity: Indigenous Assistant/Associate Professor (Tenure Track) - Child and Youth Care Uvic

The School of Child and Youth Care at the University of Victoria is hiring an Indigenous Assistant/Associate Professor (Tenure Track).

  • Application Deadline: March 25th, 2024
  • Assistant Rank Salary range of $105,487 - $130,308
  • Associate Rank Salary range of $117,662 - $145,347

Please click here for the link to the detailed job description.

Please click here for the PDF of the Job description.

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Job Posting: Black and Indigenous Feminist Futures Institute Postdoctoral Research Associate - University of Virginia

As part of the Black and Indigenous Feminist Futures Institute, sponsored by the Mellon Foundation and the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, the UVA Department of Women, Gender & Sexuality seeks to hire a Post-doctoral Research Associate whose work engages the intersection of Black and Indigenous Feminist Studies. We seek a candidate who will have received their Ph.D. degree between August 2020, and August 2024. This position is expected to be in person, however hybrid and remote options are possible.

The Black and Indigenous Feminist Futures Institute (BIFFI) strives to promote interdisciplinary research, scholarship, and cultural production that elevates intersectional feminist Black and Indigenous Studies. BIFFI achieves these aims through a “Fellows-in-Residence” program that hosts elders, artists, scholars, organizers, and practitioners at UVA; Summer Institutes that offer intensive instruction in intersectional feminist Black and Indigenous theories, methods, curricular design, pedagogies, and community building work; and by establishing the first “Black and Indigenous Studies Certificate Program” in the US South.

  • Review of applications will begin on March 1st but will remain open until filled.
  • For questions about the position, please contact Tiffany King at tjk9b@virginia.ed. For questions about the application process, please contact Margaret Weeks.
  • To read more of the job posting and apply, click here.

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Indigenous Engineering Student Scholarships

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2024 Elizabeth Henry Scholarship for Communities and Environmental Health

Scholarship Description

The Elizabeth Henry Scholarship for Communities and Environmental Health supports graduate students working on research projects in partnership with British Columbian communities that are addressing environmental health issues and promoting environmental sustainability through cooperative community initiatives. The goal of these projects should be to support indigenous and non-indigenous communities in their efforts to improve air quality, environmental health or environmental sustainability in BC.

2024 Scholarship Information and Deadline

At least one $4,000 scholarship will be granted to a successful applicant in 2024. Applications for the scholarship open January 22, 2024 and close May 10, 2024.

Scholarship Eligibility Requirements

Requirements for the scholarship are:

  • The applicant must be a full time graduate student for at least one semester before being awarded the scholarship
  • The student’s proposed research project must focus on working in partnership with one or more Indigenous and/or non-Indigenous British Columbia communities that are addressing air quality, environmental health issues and/or promoting environmental sustainability through cooperative initiatives
  • The project must have well-defined objectives and research methodologies as well as tangible project outcomes that provide direct and ethically sound benefits to the community
  • Preference will be given to significant and innovative projects
  • Preference will be given to projects that directly engage the community, and where strong community support and buy-in are demonstrated.

UVic is HIRING! - 3 faculty positions

  • The Faculty of Science invites applications from Indigenous scholars for three tenure-track positions at the rank of Assistant Professor to commence as soon as possible.
  • The three available positions are at the tenure-track assistant professor level and are cross-posted across our six departments: Biochemistry & Microbiology, Biology, Chemistry, Earth & Ocean Sciences, Mathematics & Statistics, and Physics & Astronomy.
  • The candidate's qualifications, experience, overall market demand, discipline, and the unit appointed will determine a candidate’s final salary offer. The salary for this position includes a competitive salary range of $102,380 - $143,204. UVic is committed to offering an equitable and competitive salary, inclusive of a generous benefits package, eligible leaves, and pension plan.
  • For more information, visit:
  • Application packages should be addressed to Dr. Peter Loock, Dean, Faculty of Science ( and will be reviewed starting from March 4th, 2024.
  • Applications will be accepted until all three positions are filled.

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